Author: unitedfamilies

EXCLUSIVE: Catholic teacher fired, banned from profession for attending pro-family, anti-COVID rallies

Nelsi Pelinku, an Austrian teacher whose parents immigrated from Albania, told LifeSiteNews that he was fired from his teaching job in a public school in the federal state of Salzburg in August 2023 after the school found out that he attended several rallies between 2019 and 2022, including the pro-family March for the Family, protests against the draconian COVID-related measures, and anti-mass-migration rallies. The events in question all took place before Pelinku was a teacher at the school.

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Raymond J. de Souza: Proposal to strip religious groups of charitable tax status would eviscerate Canada’s charities

But what possibly prompted Fonseca to rally his Liberal-NDP-Bloc members in favour of this massive change to Canada’s charitable sector, just days before Christmas?

“Recommendation 429: No longer provide charitable status to anti-abortion organizations.”

“Recommendation 430: Amend the Income Tax Act to provide a definition of a charity which would remove the privileged status of ‘advancement of religion’ as a charitable purpose.”

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