Author: unitedfamilies

Hungary’s Fetal Heartbeat Declaration Gives EU Parliament Heartburn

Hungary has for years been developing policies in favor of babies, life, and families. However, it still has a law on the books that allows abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy, a defect that the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and pro-life President Katalina Novak are taking steps to correct.
With that goal in mind, on September 13, the Hungarian Minister of the Interior, Sándor Pinté, signed a decree amending Hungary’s Law on the protection of fetal life.

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Every Democrat Running for Senate Supports Abortion Up to Birth

Senate Democrat candidates have made abortion a key focus of their political campaigns this fall while avoiding details that expose just how radical their position on the issue is.

But it does not take much exploring to find out that every Democrat candidate in the 10 most-watched Senate races supports abortions for basically any reason up to birth and wants to force taxpayers to pay for them.

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This week in Canadian clown world: the big boobs trans teacher show

The wayward West is sacrificing the well-being of teenagers to the selfish appetites of debased adults. As one writer observed about this episode, “We are ruled by insane people. I mean that literally: we have created a society in which everyone has to bend over backwards to accommodate the insane.”
We are harming and sexualizing children in the name of happiness and rainbows.
Our institutions are protecting perpetrators.
The madness will only stop when enough people demand that it stops. Not a moment sooner.

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