Author: unitedfamilies

Envisioning a Pro-Family Policy Agenda: A Statement of Principles

Strong families are the foundation of a healthy society. Especially at a time when cultural, political, and economic trends have pushed marriage and fertility rates to record lows, it is crucial for policymakers to have a clear vision of how public policy might better support family life. One of the primary aims of our politics should be empowering mothers and fathers to better live out their obligations to each other, to their children, and to their communities.

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Standing for Truth in Scaryville

America is now a collection of Scaryvilles, and if we’re going to see it get saner, kinder, more beautiful, virtuous, and neighborly, it’s up to each of us to do our part. We need to recognize our failings, repenting to Heaven if needed, and then cutting out the evil we exhibit in our daily lives, both because it’s wrong and because it tacitly encourages others to sin.

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‘Women deserve a better solution than abortion’

“Our society has regressed to where we think that abortion is considered the norm,” said Dawson. “But murder should not be the norm.”
“Pregnancy care centers are tremendous resources for mothers,” she said. “Real healthcare solutions are helping women with pregnancy in ways that promote life and share the love of God.”

Many women are against abortions and always have been. The original 19th-century feminists were mostly pro-life and recognized abortion as a means of covering up abuse (as it still is today) and helping irresponsible men avoid consequences. Abortion is an act of violence that ends a human life.

“The right answer is never to solve violence with violence,” Dawson said. “I am pro-woman, and I am pro-life.”

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WIN for university valedictorian prosecuted for graduation speech decrying woke agendas

“I am overjoyed that the University has recognized that I committed no wrong in exercising my free speech rights to speak about issues of profound moral concern from the graduation podium. What happened to me shows how dangerous it is when professors with agendas try to punish students with whom they disagree. Academic institutions must respect the free speech rights of all students, and this is a great win for fundamental freedoms,” stated Christian in response to the ruling.”

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