Author: unitedfamilies

Conservative policies have driven child poverty declines

Last week, the U.S. Census Bureau released new data revealing no change in the official child poverty rate from 2020 to 2021. However, when using the supplemental poverty measure, which accounts for most government benefits, child poverty decreased by almost half. This has caused many media outlets and researchers to champion pandemic-related expansions to safety net programs, most of which were not conditioned on employment. What this narrative ignores, however, is that long-term declines in child poverty were mostly driven by increased employment among low-income families largely due to conservative-led policy changes in the 1990s — underscoring the importance of a safety net that supports work, rather than discourages it.

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Politico’s Fearmongering Over ‘Christian Nationalism’ Is A Shoddy Deception

“Christian nationalism, a belief that the United States was founded as a white, Christian nation and that there is no separation between church and state, is gaining steam on the right,” contends a new Politico article on the dangers of the theocratic democracy-destroying right. The headline reads, “Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation.” Most? It is all very disturbing.

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More Anxiety, Fewer Children: Mental Health and Fertility in America

Families in America are among the richest in the world, with more resources to finance consumption of goods, services, and life experiences than almost anywhere else. Yet American women still have about 0.5 to 0.8 fewer children, on average, than they say they would like to have. Why is this?

One reason that does not get enough attention is that millions of Americans wake up every day feeling mentally and emotionally paralyzed, unable to take actions they believe would improve their lives, because they struggle with anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses.

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