Author: unitedfamilies

September 22, 2022

This Week’s Featured Article UN Education Summit Wants to Stamp Out Traditional Values. A UN conference on education just called for the uprooting of “violent” traditional values and the spread of comprehensive sexuality...

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School Districts Are ‘Sabotaging Parent-Child Relationships.’ Sen. Tim Scott’s New Bill Fights Back

One Republican lawmaker has introduced a measure to protect parental rights, which he warned are under attack by public schools teaching gender ideology without parents’ knowledge or consent.
This Tuesday, Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., introduced the Parental Rights Over the Education and Care of Their (PROTECT) Kids Act. If passed, the bill would require that government-funded elementary and middle schools tell parents before changing “a minor child’s gender markers, pronouns, or preferred name” and before allowing a child to change “sex-based accommodations.”

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Making Space for Men to Become Fathers

When it comes to forming families, too many young Americans, and American young men especially, “don’t know how to do it.”
This is troubling to conservatives, and it should be. The family—as Aristotle told us, but also as almost all of human history has shown us—is the basic political unit of a stable society.

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