Author: unitedfamilies

Follow the science: Devout married people experience the most sexual satisfaction

But if we are going to follow the science and pursue happiness with regards to sex, progressives are in for a nasty shock. Some of you may remember the study that was released in 2019 indicating that the happiest of all American wives consider themselves religious conservatives. Another recent study found that those who waited for marriage to have sex and slept with only one person had the highest levels of sexual satisfaction and the best quality marriages.

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After Roe, We Must Treasure Adoption

It’s a true story of adoption. Lifemark was inspired by the documentary I Lived on Parker Avenue, which chronicled a young man (David Colton) as he journeyed to meet his birth mother and father. (The abortion clinic that Colton’s birth mother walked away from in Indiana is on Parker Avenue.) The words above come from when they finally met.

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Legendary French director dies by assisted suicide as nation considers its legalization

Jean-Luc Godard, a legendary French director, has died at the age of 91. A pioneer of the French New Wave film movement in the 1960s, he was beloved by many, and left a huge mark on the film industry. Yet Godard’s death is raising troubling questions, as he had traveled to Switzerland to undergo assisted suicide — allegedly not because he was ill or dying, but because he was simply tired of living. And on the heels of his death, France is considering legalizing assisted suicide as well.

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