Author: unitedfamilies


In June, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and returned lawmaking authority over abortion to the legislatures. This was an enormous victory for the pro-life movement. But as we have already witnessed in summer election results, a post-Roe political climate will be challenging for the GOP to navigate. Democrats intend to spend millions of dollars this fall telling voters that Republicans want to ban all abortions without exception—and that these same politicians have no interest in helping new mothers provide for their babies.

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Horowitz: Courts are unilaterally redefining sexuality against legitimate rights

The government can deny you entry into every public university in New York state for not injecting a private novel product into your body or covering your breathing holes all day with a dirty mask. And now, the government can force a private Jewish college to not only accept you but accept a union dedicated to promoting homosexuality and every other sexual behavior codified by the ever-evolving alphabet soup of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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