Author: unitedfamilies

From School Choice to Parent Choice

The embrace of ESAs—as opposed to vouchers and tax-credit scholarships—as the mechanism for achieving universal choice is also striking. ESAs represent a definitive and principled move beyond school choice to parental choice. While these terms have been used interchangeably for decades, education reformers historically have focused on giving parents choices among different types of schools (district, charter, and private) rather than between schools and other educational options. For example, the American Federation for Children’s annual guide to parental-choice programs is called The School Choice Guidebook and EdChoice’s is The ABCs of School Choice. And, while it is reasonable to expect that, at least in the short term, most families will use ESA dollars for private school tuition, ESAs are more than school-choice programs. They are true parental-choice programs, and catalysts for real-world education pluralism and diversity, giving parents the option of using the public dollars allocated for their children’s education not only for tuition but also for “microschooling,” instructional materials for homeschooling, tutoring, and education therapies.

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American man says that he is both father and mother for his kids

However, after the couple broke up and the custody battle began, S.U. declared that they had been conceived with his eggs and donor sperm. He was the father by law and the mother in fact. “Mother believed Father’s sperm was used to conceive the Children, until she learned during the West Virginia custody litigation that this was not the case,” the Pennsylvania court reported. No doubt this came as a surprise and a half to C.J.

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China is desperate to raise its birthrate

China’s fertility rate has sunk to 1.18 children per woman and its population has begun to decline. Deaths outnumbered births for the first time in decades. The government of Xi Jinping has finally grasped that it is facing a slow-motion crisis. Unless more children a born, there will be fewer workers and more elderly. Economic stagnation or worse is on the horizon. Millions of Chinese face the prospect of getting old before they get rich.

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