Category: Parental Rights/ Parenting
Betting on Homeschooling and Microschooling
Based on that experience, for the past decade I’ve been looking at research showing the various ways in which small, high-touch learning environments may be more beneficial for student mental health than are large, impersonal public schools.
pediatric suicides are much higher during the school year than they are in the summer. This seasonal pattern of suicides stops at age 18, showing a distinct association with schooling.
Well, from the research literature, not surprisingly it turns out that school connectedness consistently reduces suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.
6 Strategies for Connecting with Dads’ Hearts
When serving dads and families, true leadership isn’t about lecturing or instructing. It’s about making genuine connections.
Read MoreOhio Governor Signs Bill Protecting Parent’s Rights in Education
The newly-enacted law (HB 8) guarantees that “a parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.
Read MoreParents Support Core Subjects, Keep Males out of Female Sports
96% of the parents supported educational freedom, agreeing “that parents should be able to choose the best educational option for their child.”
Parents want sex-segregated sports and private spaces, with 78% opposing males on girls teams and 77% opposing males who “identify as females” in “female bathrooms and locker rooms and vice versa.”
Kentucky Family Gives the Gift of Adoption for Christmas: ‘I Felt Actual Love’
He is also encouraging others to consider adoption. “I’m praying you will at least give it a chance,” he added. “And I think you’ll be blessed. I think there are people just nervous, and they take that step and trust. Because these kids are tremendous.”
Read MorePoll finds most parents, including Catholics, oppose transgender ideology in schools
Nearly three-fourths of Catholic parents surveyed also oppose biological males on girls’ sports teams and nearly 60% oppose biological males using girls’ bathrooms.
Read MoreMoms and Anger: Understanding Your Triggers
Parenting can be frustrating! Authors Amber Lia and Wendy Speake thought they were the only moms who believed that. Then they interviewed other women and discovered that many struggle.
Read MoreIVF facilities under fire for using AI to decide which babies should be born
Once we decided that it was acceptable to commodify human beings by creating them artificially as a product for purchase, it was inevitable that we would begin to apply selective criteria to which embryos get a further chance at life.
Read MoreWhen Kids Work the Neighborhood, Everyone Benefits
Recent concern about falling birthrates has led to considerable discussion about the family-unfriendliness of most American neighborhoods. Proposed solutions as simple as adding sidewalks to local streets could make it easier for children to play and walk freely and safely near their homes, reducing parental stress.
Read MoreUS parents should emulate Asian parenting culture — from ancient times
The reason top tech companies often hire foreign-born & first-generation engineers over “native” Americans isn’t because of an innate American IQ deficit (a lazy & wrong explanation). A key part of it comes down to the c-word: culture. Tough questions demand tough answers & if we’re really serious about fixing the problem, we have to confront the TRUTH: Our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long (at least since the 90s and likely longer). That doesn’t start in college, it starts YOUNG.
Read MoreBeing Present With Our Children
Being present and engaged with our children in everyday life is difficult. Our attention is being pulled in a thousand directions! Especially in the modern digital age, parents face more distractions and more demands on our limited time than ever before. It’s enough for parents to feel like throwing up our hands and giving up.
Read MoreDisney (Sort of) Wakes Up: Parents Are Boss!
After years of fanning, foisting and folding in perverted content that makes many parents mad and threatens to confuse and propagandize their children, the legacy media company is reversing course on a transgender theme planned for an upcoming animation special. The series, Win or Lose, is scheduled for release in February. The storyline revolves around a middle school softball team that features both boys and girls on the squad.
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