Category: Pornography

Ohio Could Be The Next State To Protect Kids Online, Unless The Porn Industry Gets Its Way

Ohio could become the next state to protect children from obscene content online if legislation introduced last month becomes law. House Bill 84, or the Innocence Act, would compel platforms to verify users are age 18 or older before providing “material that is obscene or harmful to juveniles.” The law would also “prohibit a person from using another person’s likeness to create sexual images of the other person.”

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Sex in the Frame

Indeed, the deeper history of opposition to pornography in particular, and the sexual revolution more generally, suggests that one explanation for this lack of efficacy is a failure to emphasize a central truth: that the question concerning pornography is and always has been a ¬subcategory not of the question about sex but of the question about technology.

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Oral Before Kissing: Porn Culture Has Changed Teens’ First Sexual Encounters

Many young girls grow up dreaming their first romantic relationship will be special—holding hands or sharing a kiss with a boy who respects and cares for her. But instead, the heartbreaking reality of most teenage girls’ sex lives features abuse, assault, and manipulation—sexual experiences altered by porn culture. One high school-aged girl said a boy recently told her, “If you give me [oral sex], I’ll give you a kiss.”

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Christians working against human trafficking gather to “refresh and reignite”

The European Freedom Network (EFN), a Christian community that fights human trafficking and commercial exploitation in Europe, is holding its Bridge Conference 2025 from 24 to 28 March in Campus Horn, Austria. The theme of this year is Refresh and Reignite: Revived Hearts & Restored Lives. It “reflects the multiple purposes of the conference in providing a holistic time of encouragement for attendees, and the opportunity to learn and collaborate as we reflect on the past year and create action steps in moving forward with our shared mission to see the end of human trafficking in Europe”, the EFN Network Facilitation team told Evangelical Focus.

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UPDATED: Pornography Age Verification Laws — What They Are and Which States Have Them

While not perfect, age verification laws greatly restrict the amount of porn young people can consume. South Dakota became the twentieth state requiring pornography companies to check online consumers’ ages on February 27, joining [others]. Described by Politico as “perhaps the most bipartisan laws in the country,” age verification laws empower parents to protect their kids by making it harder for minors to access harmful content like pornography.

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There’s a grim reality behind jokes about blocking Canadian pornography site to solve US tariff war

Pornhub is the most visited porn site in the world with billions of annual views, and is owned by Aylo Holdings, which operates out of Montreal, Canada. Pornhub has been the subject of a non-stop series of sexual abuse scandals for a half-decade. Toronto comedian Matthew Puzhitsky has a proposal for Canadians: ban Pornhub for Americans, and the trade war will be over. He’s joking, of course, but only kind of.

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