Government paid family leave programs are supposed to be especially helpful for low-income workers. In practice, however, they are regressive, taxing everyone but providing little or negative value to lower-income workers. Read more
It has long been shown in the scientific literature that engaging in premarital sex is strongly related to increases in marital divorce. This was first demonstrated in 1938 and followed up many times over.
In 1991, two leading scholars reported, “After a variety of observable characteristics are controlled, nonvirgins still face a much higher risk of divorce than virgins.”
An influential 2003 study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family explains, “Women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution.” Specifically, “Women who had their first sexual encounter prior to first marriage are about 34% more likely to experience marital dissolution at each point in their marriages.” Brand new research, which we examine below, shows this risk applies equally to men and women. Read more
These are the 5 Rs that spell destruction to relationships: rejection, resentment, resistance, revenge, repeat.
The more this cycle is repeated in a relationship, the cycle becomes completely automatic, even expected, and people unthinkingly play out their parts. She says something in that tone of voice. He doesn’t pick up when she phones. She is perpetually offended. He pouts when he doesn’t get his way. This conflict is the foundation for couples who look at the framed wedding photo and wonder what happened to their happily ever after. Read more