USA Powerlifting gave plaintiff JayCee Cooper and other trans-identified athletes the option to compete in a separate category, thereby preventing biologically female athletes from having to compete against biological males while not forcing trans-identified athletes to compete in the division that corresponds with their biological sex.
Judge Diamond dismissed this move as inadequate, arguing that by “making a person pretend to be something different, the implicit message being that who they are is less than.”
In his opinion, Diamond cited “expert testimony” maintaining that “From a psychological perspective, forcing a transgender person to act as their sex assigned at birth is harmful and can increase gender dysphoria.” The judge insisted that “the internal distress is often debilitating and the primary way(s) to reduce gender dysphoria is by affirming one’s gender medically and socially.” Read more
Perhaps a more revealing motivation for the multimodal model comes when the authors discuss the alleged role that “binary language” is playing in fueling “legislation targeting [transgender and gender nonconforming] people.” “[B]iologists,” they claim, must “push back against misunderstandings of the biology of sexual phenotypes that enact harm on marginalized communities.” Further, “uncritically applying a simple binary . . . completely erases the biological realities of [transgender and gender nonconforming] and intersex people.”
Binary language in biology must therefore be abandoned.But a biologist’s job is to describe and explain the natural world as accurately as possible, not to protect or affirm the identities of “marginalized communities.” Read more
The battle against transgender ideology will be won by the wounded.
Chloe Cole’s recent discussion at the Heritage Foundation shows that the victims of the transgender movement are the ones who will defeat it. The eighteen-year-old is a flesh-and-blood refutation of the supposed medical authority and scientific expertise of the trans movement. The wounded bodies and psyches of detransitioners rebut the trans movement’s claims to compassion and expertise. Their scars are marks of its fallibility, and their existence shows that the science is not settled. They are living proof that the affirmation-only approach is hurting people. Read more